We Talk Photo with Brent Clark

Jack and John welcome to the show a wonderful photographer who you may not have heard of yet, but we think you will hear about in the not too distant future.  His work reflects thoughtful consideration of the art and craft of photography and is what inspired us to bring him on the show and introduce him to you!  If you’d like to watch the video instead, you can find it on YouTube HERE

Excerpt from Brents Bio:

Here, you will find quiet, creative, and awe-inspiring nature photography that I created during my travels to distant natural places, as well as in my local area in the Upper Midwestern region of the United States.

Nature photography provides me with constant challenges that yield deep rewards in terms of personal growth and satisfaction. On a continual search for inspiration, I find myself driven to explore places, subjects, ideas, and emotions I’m not sure I would without a camera. Photographing the natural world has me continually reflecting on my place within it and how I want to convey its significance.

More practically, it can be incredibly fun and it keeps me in a healthy physical condition so that I can hike long distances and carry heavy equipment.

Brents Website: https://brentgoesoutsi.de/collections

The We Talk Photo podcast is dedicated to being an entertaining, informative and lighthearted discussion about a wide range of photographic topics centered around landscape and nature photography.  Hosted by Jack Graham and John Pedersen, long time industry professionals, they will bring you in to their conversations about gear, recent trends, insightful interviews with industry leaders as well as entertaining stories from their collective experience in the photography business.